Scott Sees "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"
Scott Sees an amazing animated movie that very well could have changed the game for comic book movies: "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"
It's flat out amazing.
Scott Sees an amazing animated movie that very well could have changed the game for comic book movies: "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse"
It's flat out amazing.
Scott Sees the former DC laughing stock not billion dollar franchise, "Aquaman!"
This movie looked crazy and fun, but is it?
Scott Sees the sequel to the awesome "Wreck-It Ralph" which expands on the idea huge! Somehow with more opportunities the core is a little lost but, it's still fun all the same!
SO how do you make a movie that is worse than the predecessor yet has some more entertaining bits?
A movie that fails on every level of being a movie in and of itself while also pandering poorly to those who know and failing to keep those who don't up to speed?
Yeah. Wizarding World... wooo.
Hey do you like weird movies? Crazy action? Bonkers stuff?
These are apt and yet inept descriptions of the wild movie "Mandy!"
Come see!