Entries in schwarzenegger (10)


GPC Episode 52 - Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003)

The Guilty Pleasures Cinema celebrates its SECOND ANNIVERSARY with another 80s action franchise, TERMINATOR!  Specifically though, 2003's Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines!

Much like the first anniversary, everything has been building to this, not just this past year but the one prior as well!

Everyone who helped over the first year of the GPC were invaluable, and everyone who helped me over this second year even more so.  From finally passing 100 likes on Facebook just yesterday and joining Matt Zion for Let's Plays, to working with awesome people, it's all great.

So of course thank you to Matt Zion, Earl Newton, everyone at both the Isle of Rangoon and the Morbidly Made, Midnight Corey and my best friend Jason Grey, plus everyone who contributed to Tropic Thunder and of course my family, thank you for helping me get to this point!

Much like last year, the bloopers aren't included (for real this time, not even raw ones) but still make sure to stay to the very end.  No one leaves during the credits anymore anyway though, right?

But fate is what we make, so let's dive into TERMINATOR 3!  Be sure to comment and tell me what you think!



GPC Episode 27 - Predator (1987)

The Guilty Pleasures Cinema celebrates its FIRST ANNIVERSARY with my favourite movie of all time, PREDATOR!

Everything has been building to this, my most ambitious episode yet! Trust me, this is more than just a review from the GPC chair...

I can't thank enough everyone who helped over the first year of the GPC, from the creative people to friends and family and all the new people I've met as fans and viewers, you're all awesome! I couldn't have gotten to where I am without any of you.

I also hadn't intended for the bloopers to be at the very end there, all unedited and whatnot, so feel free to watch the raw ones there, or sit tight for the fancy Blooper Special 3 that will come!

But I ain't got time to talk, it's time for PREDATOR! Be sure to comment and tell me what you think!



Guilty Pleasures Cinema Turns One

TODAY, February 27, is the FIRST ANNIVERSARY of the GPC!

Today's episode is uploading RIGHT NOW, unfortunately it looks like it won't be up until after midnight, actually posting on February 28.

Considering the first episode went up February 29 2012, this seems somewhat appropriate!

Stay tuned for the badassery that is PREDATOR...



GPC Episode 22 - End of Days (1999)

The End of Days reaches the Guilty Pleasures Cinema with 1999's End of Days!  Arnold Schwarzenegger goes one on one with the Devil himself, and I'm not the only one preparing!  Thrand and Eldgrimr (www.youtube.com/ThegnThrand) are taking stock, the Isle of Rangoon is getting ready (www.isleofrangoon.com) and Cthullian peeks in as well (www.triskaidekafiles.com), plus a special thanks to Matt Zion (www.youtube.com/wrecklesseating) who wanted to help but was too busy checking his food supplies!


GPC Episode 16 - The Running Man (1987)

The GPC returns under hostile guard, as the takeover attempt at the end of last episode comes to full force. Will I be able to rebel against the intruder?

Oh and hey that's a great parallel to what it made me review: the classic Schwarzenegger film The Running Man!


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